How To Perform A Testicular Self Exam
How to terform a Testicular Self Exam with wtep by step instructions with pictures and videoHow to terform a Testicular Self Exam with wtep by step instructions with pictures and video

How to terform a Testicular Self Exam with wtep by step instructions with pictures and video

Monthly Testicular Exam
How To Do A
Monthly Testicular Exam

nude man doing testicular self exam
Self-examination of the testes is important for early detection of testicular cancer. The most common method of early detection is performing a monthly exam. Since TC is usually isolated to a single testicle, comparison of your testicle with the other can be helpful. It is normal for one testicle to be slightly larger than the other. Your focus should be noticing any changes from the previous month.

The best time to self-exam is after a warm bath or shower when the scrotal skin is relaxed.
4 Easy Steps

nude man doing testicular self exam step by step